Whom We Serve & what we do!
Diaper Bank
We Provide Diapers to several other 501c3 organizations in Broward County.
We Currently Provide baby diapers, adult diapers and incontinence supplies to Florida Health WIC program participants, Broward Outreach, Serving with Grace, Kids in Distress, Hero's Hub, FLITE Center, Prego Dance, Feeding South Florida, Center for Hearing and Communication, Salvation Army, Florida Healthy Start, Every Mothers Advocate, Gulf Stream Early Learning Center, Expecting Relief, Hope South Florida, The Hands and Feet of Broward, Care Resource, Children's Bereavement Center, and 2-1-1 Broward.
Want to Partner with us?
Fill out out Partnership application Here and email it to Bwolfe@ftldiaperbank.org

Diaper Pantry
Need diapers? Join us at our local community events.
We provide Adult diapers, baby diapers, pullups, and incontinence supplies.
Email us at information@ftldiaperbank.org
Spanish and Creole interpretation services provided.
Adult Diapers
We provide Adult Diapers and Incontinence supplies to those that need it most!
Adults, the disabled, veterans, and the elderly can get diapers by completing the registration form or by joining us at our local community events
Email us at information@ftldiaperbank.org
Spanish and Creole interpretation services provided.

Period Products
We have launched a campaign to end period poverty in Broward County!​
Need period supplies? Join us at our local community events.
The Greater Fort Lauderdale Diaper Bank partners with Broward County schools to provide period supplies to girls that need them most.
Want to Partner with us?
Does your organization need period supplies?
Fill out out Partnership application Here and email it to Bwolfe@ftldiaperbank.org
Social Work Intern Program
The Greater Fort Lauderdale Diaper Bank takes great pride in its skilled team of licensed clinical social workers, who are dedicated to mentoring social work interns pursuing their Bachelor's and Master's degrees.
Want to join our internship program?